martes, 10 de febrero de 2015

The Elixir, the authors

Francesc Martínez (Barcelona, 1981). This young man born in Barcelona has been reading comics all his life. Great reader of superheroes, Francesc was charmed by the characters in tights when a copy of Superman came his way. When he was a teen he fell into the web of Spider-Man. Years later, he wrote two books entitled "Spider-Man: Diario de Peter Parker. (Spider-Man: Peter Parker's Journal)" After all of this, Francesc decided to write scripts of comics, with the intention to publish them (he's publishing in several national magazines how El Arca de las Historietas, Area 51, TMEO or Fans Club Magazine). In the last years, Francesc has written more than seventy stories. Now he decided to write this webcomic that will be developed over the coming months.

Alex Oliver is an artist from the advertising and animation industries. After 20 years in the profession, she debuts in the world of the ninth art with this webcomic. With a marked European style, Alex works with inks and watercolors to capture a fun idea that be developed over the coming months.

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